Using our delicious and healthy pasture pork sausage (Italian or Pork flavor) you can make a quick, simple and delicious gluten-free dinner, even the kids will love.

Farmers Without a Farm | Pt. 1
People frequently use the words Determination and Perseverance to describe a recent Grad, or an accomplished Athlete. I would use these words to describe Kevin Jackson, who feels he is called to farm and is going to make it happen, despite the hurdles in his path.
We came back to Michigan, choosing Leelanau county to make our home, knowing that we’d face some challenges to get our farm started.

KY to MI
KY showed us what’s we feel is really important: investing in sustainability for our our future generation and being close to family/community – in a place we feel like home.

welcoming Levi James
The midwife was on her way over, on speaker phone, as Jackson and Madre competently delivered the new baby, with our other son Abraham at my side.

Our story, continued.
We realized that our larger goals and dreams were not going to happen where we were at – so we had to make a change. The next step towards farming…

Boise, Idaho
We moved to Boise, Idaho after visiting our dear friends Jeremy & Bri, and discovering The Baby Place. We were seeking a natural birth experience and found peace in God’s presence there.
Contact Us
For pork/livestock orders and inquiries, contact:Jackson | (517)518.1961
For small business design/marketing needs, blog info, Recipes and more, contact:Rock | (517)518.4413