Christmas tree adventure + meaning

IMG_9857_photo of father and son bringing in a fresh christmas treeSince this year, we’re living among the rugged hills of Kentucky, we decided it was appropriate to cut down a tree from the property. Kevin toted Abraham in the backpack and we set out on a hike. With carrots in our pockets, we walked the hills till we came across the horses and fed them a treat. On our way back we kept an eye out for a decent looking cedar tree (that grow in abundant clusters throughout).Geared up in goggles and ear muffs, Kevin chainsawed down just the right size tree. IMG_9867_father and son decorating the chritmas tree
We wrapped it up in a tarp with bungees, and together, we hauled the tree, Abraham and the chainsaw up the steep hill to the house (wish I had a picture of this part). We set it up and let it dry out for a day, then decorated it the following.

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After simplifying life, we have just one 30 gallon rubber-maid of Christmas decor this year. Now the tree gets decorated with a collection of vintage ornaments, started by what was passed down to Kevin from his late and dear Grandma Florence Jackson. We received the first few from her, and since, have collected a few more vintage ornaments (in their original boxes!), some given to us and others found. Decorating the tree is now more meaningful and treasured than ever!

“She’s a beaut!” ….so we wanted to share it with you!

Make it a most cherished and thankful Christmas season! Let your lights shine.
The Landrovers!
~Kevin “Jackson,” Raquel “Rock,” and Abraham “AA”


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